WOW, I feel so blessed to have been able to go to this conference. Two days with the following Speakers/Authors:
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Louise L. Hay
Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Caroline Myss
Brian L. Weiss, M.D.
Marianne Williamson
Geneen Roth
Cheryl Richardson
Doreen Virtue
Each Speaker was powerful, captivating and inspiring. It is so hard to sum up this conference in a few words. I do know that I will not be the same after hearing each person speak. I feel I have been set upon a spiritual path and I am seeing things in a different light.
Louise Hay and several of the Speakers spoke of the power of prayer and we all prayed for Japan which was a powerful experience. It felt good to do something for such a tragic event rather than feeling helpless. Having 3000 people set an intention of prayer and healing for the poor people who were affected in the tsunami was something I will never forget. Instead of watching the devastation over and over on TV I keep praying for the people instead.

I am grateful I was able to share this weekend with my best friend Diane who is my soul sister.
My best friend and I stayed at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver.

Wayne Dyer: "All of us are infinite spiritual beings having a temporary human experience." "Let go and allow God to come in . Allow yourself to Just BE."
View from our window.

Geneen Roth: "The way we eat is a direct reflection of how we feel about being alive. Food on our plate is a doorway in to realize what we may not know we are expressing."

Doreen Virtue: "Angels are one with God. Listen to Angels. Ask them for help!"
The lovely Diane!

Caroline Myss: "The true search for our spirituality is inner Illumination, excavate, seek, find. Get over the power of our wounds."
A very good Italian restaurant where we by chance (wink) met a cool girl named Glori.

Robert Holden: "Some things never change: your greatest opportunity for healing, and happiness has been, will be, still is NOW!"
The Best COFFEE EVER! Cafe Artigiano. Go there it was soooo good.

Marianne Williamson: "Miracles occur naturally in the presence of LOVE". "The past is over. It can touch me NOT." "There is only really one problem, individually or the human race - that is separation from GOD." "God will lift you up".
Art in a cup.

Diane and I on the streets of Vancouver on the way to the Conference.

The line up for the conference. It was long but moved quickly so much anticipation!

Cheryl Richardson: "Big Picture: Living a deep rich and meaningful life, you honor your integrity by speaking your own truth." "In order to live a soul directed life you have to piss people off. God forbid people don't like you!" "Our sensitivity is our greatest gift individually and collectively." "Be an intentional source of love everyday."

Cheers to an amazing Spiritual, Life Changing weekend. My eyes have been opened and my soul is seeing the amazing grace all around us! Life is GOOD!!!